Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 7: Be Cool

I am not looking forward to this week. I just feel like there is so much going on, and I'm really hoping I can just get through it all. First of all, I've got two sick kids. Jason's been sick for about 6 weeks now. He's been on antibiotics for 2 without any improvement, so he's got another doctor's appointment tomorrow. At Church, we've got Young Women in Excellence coming up in a few weeks, and I've been assigned the planning of this event. We're having our meeting to discuss my "plan" on Tuesday, so I've got to get that all ironed out and ready to present. My dad's in town this week, so I'm also trying to make time to spend with him. And of course, there's the baby shower this weekend. I'm trying really hard to have my house looking lived in, yet clean by the time people start arriving on Saturday. We'll see how it goes. Jared, and I admit I too am anxious to get our garden going, so that's another big job on the list of to-do's this week. So, I'm just a little stressed out, a little frantic, about having the time to do it all, do it all well, and not fall down on my whole mommy and wife gig too much. Oh, and did I mention that I'm still sick as well? I gave in and took some cold medicine today, hoping it would help me get through all I had going on. Big mistake. I still had all my cold symptoms: pounding headache, post-nasal drip (ew!), scratchy throat. But in addition, I felt like I was on speed (and not in a good way). So, because I'm already feeling overwhelmed at the mere thought of this week, my focus is going to be just keeping it together. I'm going to try to be aware of the length of my proverbial string, and attempt to keep it from getting too short or wound too tight. Is this a pathetic goal for the week? Maybe. But at least it's realistic.

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