Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4: For The Damsel in Distress

That's me. The damsel in distress. I can't seem to escape it, no matter how independent I'd like to think I am. I had hired two of the Young Women to come help me after school today, and with their help, I was determined to paint my living room area. But while they were in school, I decided I'd do all the cutting in. Not a bad idea, right? Wrong. This is me we're talking about, remember? I popped out to the garage to get some painting tape when SLAM! The door locked behind me. Here I was, still in my jammies, my hair going every which way, and I was locked out of my house. To make matters worse, Hayden was still inside. I quickly made my way around the house, trying every window and door. Everything was locked up tight. So, I ran to my neighbors house and asked to use the phone to call Jared. After 10 minutes of trying, he still hadn't picked up (most likely because he didn't recognize the number). I finally told the receptionist my situation and begged to have her send someone to find him or something. She said she would email him. Seriously? My baby is locked in the house all alone, and you're just going to email him? I tried to politely thank her for her help (or lack thereof), and decided to just continue calling Jared's cell until he picked up. At some point he'd wonder who the heck was calling every 30 seconds, right? Well, luckily, it didn't take too long. Can you believe it - he got the email! So, my Knight in Shining Armor rushed to aid his two damsels in distress. Meanwhile, I sat waiting at the back porch, watching a sobbing Hayden through the sliding glass door. It was heartbreaking. In fact, after crying throughout this 20-minute ordeal, she'd worn herself out, and was soon fast asleep, a full hour earlier than usual.

As the afternoon approached, I was looking forward to the girls coming over to help me paint. But the appointed time came... and went... without a single knock at the door. Neither of the two girls I'd hired showed up. I think it's time for a Sunday lesson on dependability! Seriously? So I got to work on my own, hoping I'd get it done quickly. When I was barely finishing the first coat around 7:30 tonight, I started panicking. I've got to have this done, my house cleaned, and food made for this baby shower by Saturday morning! I can't spend another day painting! Luckily, my fabulous husband stepped up again, as did my awesome girlfriend, Kristen. After the kids were tucked into bed, they helped me paint until the paint was gone. Unfortunately, there's still work to be done, but like I said, the paint was gone. So I've got to make an early morning trip to get some more, and hopefully Kristen and I will be able to finish before lunchtime tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Did I mention I have the BEST HUSBAND EVER?

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