Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 2: Just to Get Him Off My Back!

Well, not much was accomplished on the "keeping promises" front yesterday. But it wasn't for lack of trying. I've been putting off calling the parents of Jason's friend, Maggie, whom we owe a playdate to, for almost a month now. Mostly because he's been sick, but also because I hate calling people I don't really know. Jared's been nagging me like an old woman constantly, so I finally promised him that it would get done this week. So I called. No answer. Dang it! I hate leaving messages even more than I hate actually talking to people because I always sound like an idiot tripping over my words. But I did it. Haven't heard back from them yet, so I'll call again today.

I also got all my baby shower invitations mailed yesterday, and nailed down everything that's left to do to prepare for the event. Now Emily and I just have to do a little shopping and cooking, and we'll be ready for a PART-AY!

I had aspired to get started on painting Jason's room yesterday as well, but it just didn't happen. I woke up with a nasty sore throat, massive headache and a mild fever, none of which went away all day, so I guess it's miraculous I got anything done at all!


  1. Hope you feel better soon.

    I hate leaving messages too. I ALWAYS ramble and then when I realize I've talked WAY too long, I say, "okay bye" as fast as I can and I think that makes me sound even more retarded.

    Who's baby shower have you been planning?

  2. Yours, remember? ;) No, Amy Jackson's. Wanna come? There's an invitation in the mail for you!
