Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 1: The Trouble with Brownies

Here's the problem with brownies. When you make a batch, there's enough to feed at least a dozen or more people. That's why they're great for taking to church activities, right? But what about for Family Home Evening? There's only 4 of us here in the Hale Household, and after we've each had a brownie, there's still more than 3/4 of a pan full of brownies shamelessly hollering for you to have another. And another. And maybe just one more small one... Don't tell me this has never happened to you. I'm sure you know how loud and obnoxious those stinkin' brownies can be.
At this moment, there is still half a batch of brownies sitting on my kitchen counter (at least I didn't eat the whole dang thing). I did eat more than I should have, though. What's really frustrating is that I was doing so well up until then. I had a very nutritious Green Smoothie for breakfast, some chicken and rice for lunch, and homemade vegetable soup for dinner. I even exercised today! I pushed Hayden around the block for about 45 minutes, and then worked in the garden for about an hour or so. I was doing great! And then those delicious, despicable brownies. There's a reason it's called devil's food. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.

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