Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 13: Healthy Habits- Good Eating

I've decided to change my format a little bit. The problem that I've been having is that I don't feel a week is really long enough to set and accomplish a lot of the goals I have. So, I'm going to stretch the focus out to about 3 weeks, concentrating on separate, specific things each week. This time, I want to focus on my health. I've been painfully aware lately that I've put back on 6 pounds since Christmas, completely the opposite way on the scale I've been meaning to go. It's my own fault. My exercise routine has gone from regular to rare, and I've been eating poorly. When Saturday night came around and I realized I'd eaten nothing but an apple (not so bad) and cake batter (not so good) all day, I knew it was time for a change. So this first week, I'm going to focus on my diet, on eating healthy things and leaving the cake batter alone. I'll try to squeeze some exercise in there, too, but I think I'll wait until next week to really focus on that, once I've got the eating thing under control. One step at a time here. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what I need to do. Cake batter is just SO good though. =o) I need to eat out less .. eat better and exercise more. Can't wait to hear about it .. hopefully we both can get into a good routine!
