Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 1: Family Home Evening

Well, I've gotten off to a pretty good start today, at least on accomplishing some of the tasks to encourage a greater relationship with God. I said my prayers, read my scriptures, and as it is Monday night, we had Family Home Evening. Because we've got small kids, we usually keep it pretty simple. We don't always follow the typical structure, and sometimes we don't even have a lesson. Like tonight. We opened with a prayer, then got to work planting new seeds for our garden. It was lots of fun, and even Hayden helped out. We filled Dixie cups with dirt, dropped in a few seeds, watered them, then put the cups into plastic shoeboxes with lids. We filled 4 boxes: Cucumbers, Radishes, Peppers, and Oregano. We let Jason do a lot of the work, so that he can learn how to plant a garden. I think he had a pretty good time, and I know Hayden did. So maybe it wasn't the most spiritual Family Home Evening, but it was done. And I kind of feel that the content isn't as important as the quality time spent together. Maybe I'm wrong, I mean after all, I am accountable for Jason's foundation in the gospel. But I think we'll get into the heavy stuff another night. We're just starting to get back on the horse, so we'll take it one step at a time. Obviously, it is my first day, so I can't tell you that already I feel so much closer to my Savior or anything. But I can tell you that I at least feel good about the effort I made, and the things that I actually did accomplish. Let's see how the rest of the week goes!

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