Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 4: Angels and Demons

It was a typical day, spiritually speaking. I had a few encounters with both my angels, and my demons (otherwise known as Jason and Hayden). They took turns with each of the roles. While at the garden center, Jason stayed close, while Hayden took pleasure in running away from me at every opportunity. She then proceeded to pick up the rocks off the ground and strategically place them all over the lovely stone benches for people to sit on. That'll leave a mark! While we did our grocery shopping, they were divine. Hayden actually stayed seated in the shopping cart, while Jason didn't rant when I continued to turn him down when he asked for brownies, then Goldfish, then Star Wars toys. By the time we'd climbed into the car, though, the tables had turned. They fought over Jason's Icee, despite the fact that they each had their own beverage. Hayden has rediscovered the joy of screeching as if she were a cross between a tea kettle and a pteradactyl. Believe me. In close quarters, it's mind-numbing! When we arrived home, however, finding Jared out in the yard, the angel faces were back, just for him. Mommy was left to unload the groceries alone while they tackled him. But at least it was QUIET! Sigh. It's the little moments in life we treasure most. ;)

As for my attempts at my spiritual tasks, I'm doing okay. I've been diligent about reading my scriptures and saying prayers at bedtime. I really need to work on getting it done in the morning, as well. At least I'm making progress.

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