Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 2: Expecting Lightning

I never thought it was possible, but as I read my scriptures tonight, the tale being told actually made me laugh. That's right. I laughed out loud at the scriptures. That's it. I've probably got a one-way ticket to the devil's home sweet home. Before I tell you what it was I found so humorous, let me preface it with a little background. My son Jason is a total chatterbox. He talks and talks and talks, and if you don't respond to whatever it is he is saying, he will continue to say it over and over and over again, until you do. So many times, after he's run on about Super Mario Brothers for over half an hour, I have found myself saying anything, just to get him to shut up. (I know. I'm a stellar mom, what can I say?) So, back to my scripture reading. I was reading in the Book of Mormon tonight, particularly the Book of Enos, and about his "wrestle with God." So, to sum up, Enos goes out into the middle of nowhere and decides he needs to find out for himself whether the doctrine he's been taught for years by his father is true. So he starts to pray. And he prays. And he prays. This guy prays all day long, and when the night comes along, he's still praying. I mean, really? There's only so much you can say before you have to start repeating yourself... again... and again. You get the idea. Or maybe that's why this guy was a prophet and I'm not. Anyway, at last, he hears the voice of God telling him that his sins are forgiven, and to "go to." This is when I burst out laughing. I laughed, because in my head, I read the tone to be something like my own experience with my son. Something like this: "Enos! Enough already. I forgive you, okay? Now shut up a second, and go home!" See how far I've fallen? It's been raining here all day, and now I'm terrified it's about to turn into a lightning storm, all on my account. So if this is my last post ever, you'll know why!


  1. So THIS is what you've been up to! I've been wondering why you haven't updated your other blog much. =o) Good for you! Can't wait to read more!

  2. I laughed out loud about your Enos story. I can totally relate. I've had that exact tone of voice and I've never thought of Enos' experience that way but now I can see it.
