Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 5: Wrong Way!

Where was this sign yesterday? I had a little "side trip" on my spiritual journey last evening. As a Young Women's leader, I was assigned to go the the temple with the youth last night. I had four girls in my car as we headed up Mission Boulevard towards the freeway. Now, I've been to the temple at least a handful of times. I should know how to get there. But I always get confused at the part where Mission, the 238, and the 580 meet. So I planned on following Joe Winmill. Unfortunately, I got caught at the first red light, and he was long gone. As we came up on the interchange, I got nervous. I'm never sure which way to go, but I've always chosen the right path. Until last night, when my choice really mattered. I ended up getting on the 580 East toward Stockton, when I should have gotten on the 238 (I think). Twenty minutes later, as we were entering Pleasanton, the girls and I realized that we had gone the wrong way. And that we were supposed to be at the temple in less than ten minutes! A string of expletives quickly shot their way from my brain to my tongue, but luckily my lips had the sense not to utter them. After all, I had my darling, impressionable young women in the car with me. So, I admitted defeat and finally turned on the GPS, which I should have done in the first place. It told me that from where we were, it would take 26 minutes to reach our destination. I got there in 15, thanks to a strange frenzy amongst the girls over some "scenery." Sigh. I forgot all about the code words 17-year-old girls use for cute guys. I must be getting old. Anyway, we got our temple work done, and made it back home, with only one teeny, tiny wrong turn. (How pathetic am I?) But the point is, the girls got home, safe and sound. And we did have a good time together, or at least I did, aside from the humiliation. However, I am 98% sure that they will never get into a car with me ever again!

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